
30 May 2014

Busy week

At Canons Ashby
May and June are busy months - not just because this is when my interest in gardening gets renewed (weather permitting) but because there are lots of open studios and degree show to go see. The past week has left little time for reflective blogging, or even for dealing with photos that are planned for blog posts (maybe later...) - this is a good time for a quick list of things seen and done, before they disappear from my memory.

Friday 23 - trip to Canterbury (old news)
Saturday 24 - no idea where the day went ... catching up? getting ahead?
Man and boat
Sunday 25 - to Rugby Boat Sales to say goodbye to Forget Me Not, which is for sale; visit to Canons Ashby on the way home; a day of glorious sun, clouds, countryside
Landscape by Graham Bell, seen at Tate Britain (via)
Monday 26 (holiday) - rainy and chilly; Tate Britain to see Kenneth Clark "Looking for Civilisation" show
Waiting about at Tate Britain
Tuesday 27 - Prism show, rain, Morley Gallery, rain, drawing in crypt cafe, less rain (old news)
Wednesday 28 - making concertina books; sociable lunch
Thursday 29 - Eastcastle Street galleries and a spot of window shopping
Elizabeth Neel at Pilar Corrias

Christopher Cook at Art First

Mishka Henner at Carroll/Fletcher

Her new ipad, capturing "Reticulated Time" by Nobuhiro Nakanishi
"Vintage" changing rooms at Fever

Redundant machinery at All Saints
Friday 30 - catching up, getting ahead ... filing papers, impromptu  entertaining (lunch), reckless painting, hurried blogging ...

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