
13 May 2014

Gardening = happiness

One weekend the sun shone and I got out to the back of the garden to dig up the plants in the area designated for The Raised Vegetable Bed.
By afternoon the ground was bare, and the green bin was full -
Midweek, Tony put together the frame, and at the weekend we filled it with soil -
Now it's planted with salad veg -
in half-rows mostly, marked with skewers (use what you have on hand...), ready for some succession sowing. (Oops, nearly wrote "sewing" ... what would succession sewing be, then - finishing someone else's work?)

1 comment:

  1. Margaret how delightful to see your garden project! and to know that we share the love of gardens and great fresh food as well as our fiber and art connections. My earth is just now warm enough for more than peas and kale and broccoli ...and today the salad greens go in.....and after Mother's Day snow the sun is shining warm up the overnight 26 degrees F. So appreciate your not comment much but read every post. Kristin
