
08 May 2014

Poetry Thursday - Wanton Women by Faith Elizabeth Brigham

Wanton Women

wanton women
with wicked ways
want what weary women
wish wouldn't wander
while wed
wondering what webs
weaving wanderers weave
while wooing
wicked wanton women 

My connection with this poem is that it was one of the "poems in the loo" at the BMJ, a subversive little project ... which my colleagues collected and turned into a very special leaving present. 
Faith Elizabeth Brigham was born in Pittsburgh, PA, in 1953, the third of seven girls - that mere fact is almost enough in itself to turn a gal into a poet. She became a professional writer in 1974, and did her first poetry reading in the early 90s. She has been much published since, and now lives in Florida. Read more of her poems at or at

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