
28 May 2014

To see the Prism show ... on a wet day

"Coded : Decoded" is the theme of this year's show by the Prism textile group, which is at the Mall Galleries till 31 May (check website for opening hours). Prism will also be showing work on this theme (new work) at the Knitting and Stitching shows this autumn.

Hello to Avril, Belinda, and Myfawny - it was great to run into you and have a chance for a quick chat!

After discussing the work thoroughly Sue and I went along - in torrential rain - to the Morley Gallery, which we had to ourselves for a good wander among the "Inspired by..." work. Depature was delayed by continuing rain and the development of "lakes" on the road -
 with consequent drenching hazards from buses in the curbside lane -
The rest of the afternoon was spent in the cafe at St Martins in the Fields, drawing in the cosy gloom. Sue's focus meant she filled her sketchbook, but my output was more minimal and included finding out about an app on my phone, which seemed to "draw" better than I ever could - see for yourself -

BUT although the photograph captures an instant and "looks real", the drawing (the sketch) is the result of sustained observation and has pointed me towards some things to look at more closely - the disposition of people's legs and handbags under tables, for instance, and how stripes make their way around a bent elbow.


  1. Which app? Enquiring minds want to know? I agree that real drawing is preferable, but Waterlogue can produce great 'watercolours'!

  2. Margaret - yes, yes what is the app! My drawing ability is pretty pitiful!

  3. The app is called Paper Artist and it comes with the Samsung phone. There are probably other apps with the same capability - turning a photo into "effects" - I'm not really up on this kind of thing (tend to use what's there, if at all).
    It's fun to play with ... but probably wouldn't hold David Hockney's attention for two seconds!

  4. LOL Margaret! Have iPhone but there seems to be a couple apps that might work - would rather have it for iPad though. In Africa now - what a place to visit! Another week, then home.
    Martha ann
