
01 June 2014

Islington Art Society show

The rather basic gallery that is in the Stoke Newington Library building held over 200 works, and some interesting things among them.
collage by Brian Innes

painted onto pages from an encyclopedia

pleasant grouping of prints by
Hannah Archer, Brian Innes, Christopher Cockburn, Sarah Garvey

strangely compelling... (Munch meets Bellany?)

painting onto newspaper - works well for the subject

such a pleasure to see work made by friends - Sylvia Whitehouse
was a printmaker before veering into textiles 

outside the gallery, a noticeboard has become abstract found art
Apologies to the artists whose names I didn't note down at the time. 

This is the one I would have, should have, taken home - it could be telling one or several of many stories -
Untitled, by Hannah Archer
drypoint and monoprint

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