
19 September 2014

Blast from the past - three-wheeler

Photographed in 2012. It’s either a Reliant Rialto, successor of the Reliant Robin, or a Reliant Robin. It was popular because it could be taxed at motorcycle rates, a considerable saving. The engine is in front and drives the rear axle, while steering is via the wheel in front. The Robin was manufactured in the UK between 1973 and 1981.

"In 1989, Reliant produced a new and totally revamped Robin featuring a new fibreglass body, and increased engine power. This Robin was face lifted again in 1999 when the final version was launched ... with completely new panels, and Opel Corsa front lamps. ... this hatchback-only model lasted until February 2001 when Reliant announced the end of production." (via)

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