
21 October 2014

Not everything works the way you thought it would

These bricks came down from the attic ... last used in the 1960s or early 70s. The idea wast to give the colourful ones to a friends' child.

So I spent a tranquil Sunday morning piecing together, from thicker fabrics on hand in the weekend studio, a bag for the bricks that would lie flat and become a play area, then gather itself up with bricks inside. This was from memories of a pattern I'd seen in the 70s. Which is some time ago.
80cm diameter
I had to improvise the way of holding the cord, and indeed the cord itself - it's a long piece of selvedge.
It gathers up, with a little effort...
... and leaves a bit of a tangle, and floppy bits...
Unfortunately the floppy bits will let bricks escape - I had hoped it would be "tidier" somehow. Next week I'll undo the loops and the edging and add a tunnel into which the cord will fit, and from which it will emerge at useful intervals. Aha, here is a tutorial - the cord emerges twice, not 12 times!

1 comment:

  1. my children were given rugs one became the Lego rug, I just grabbed the corners and dumped it with contents in a corner or in a box or large container when not in use.
    The use of a tunnel for the selvedge cord is probably better, less likely to trip up a child.
    We have brick collection not unlike yours.
