
10 November 2014

Contemporary art sketchbook continuation

On Thursday we went along to Vyner Street, only to find that some of the galleries were closed in preparation for opening later, as it was First Thursday, when east end galleries open late.

Projectspace, an artist-run gallery on a corner was open, with works of variable quality and interest, and no labels - hard, impossible even, to identify the work!
Experiments with a watersoluble pencil and a waterbrush, layering wet and dry -
Next, Wilkinson - the show is by Jonathan Wateridge - simple-seeming scenes and textures that absorb you -
 Who hasn't struggled with a claustrophobic jumper? -
The pairing works better lengthwise, but the vertical format allows easier comparison of the two images.

Final stop - influenced perhaps by the prospect of a drink in the pub downstairs - was The Approach, a revisit for me. This time I grappled with the masks, which show the effect of various types of lighting -
Why this arrangement? The idea is that when the book is closed, the charcoal will transfer to the spaces on the opposite page.

At one point there was a silent invasion -

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