
08 November 2014

Contemporary art sketchbook walk, week 5

Outside Bethnal Green tube station, this war memorial, marking the deaths of 173 people in a crush as they descended to shelter in the tube on 3 March 1943 -
First stop, Maureen Paley, where these drawings were made in the flickering light of Gillian Wearing's puzzling but absorbing film -

Juxtaposed canvases, each "A Day of Toil", by Ida Ekblad at Herald St -
I didn't "get it" but quite liked my image, which is of a piece that's installed in a corner -

Round the corner to Campoli Presti, past the bullet-hole window at the corner of the building -
The exhibition, by fictional artist Reena Spaulings, uses colours from the Late Turner exhibition and a robot floor cleaner, what japes! -

What's missing is the robot's brush marks...
Coffee at The Gallery cafe on Old Ford Rd, then to The Approach: an installation called Who Buries Who by Amanda Ross-Ho -
Finally, another puzzling show, "Fracking" by Jose Rojas (at Vilma Gold); it contained this piece, Earth and Sun, made with two obstetric models -
A hasty rendition at the end of an intense day -

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