
18 January 2015

Down time

Sunday afternoon ... I've been sitting at the table under the window in the quiet of the weekend studio while snooker is being watched downstairs, reading a few blogs as the sun travels through the blue sky till the twilight falls. Intermittently I write a few words in my black notebook, towards the revived travel lines project, which has a fast-approaching deadline, with a view to being organised and productive on arriving back at the other studio, getting to work straight away on preparing more papers for the week's underground journeys.

The radio is off; cars and people pass by on the residential street. It gets darker; the desk lamp gets turned on, and I notice the clutter, yes that is the right word, on the table, which includes seven pot plants, two pincushions, two boxes writing implements and some that have escaped, two small heaps of fabric, a large book and a small one, two pairs of scissors, and a lot of fabric strips for rug hooking. As well as odd bits of paper and two darning mushrooms, neither of which are mushrooms (a light bulb and a wooden curtain finial).

It's been a full week ... it's good to sit and do nothing in particular, but I intend to clear up the table and take the current hooking project downstairs for a tv evening.

The point of this post? I had taken a photo of the view and wanted to try blogging on the ipad. With no luck ... adding the photo to the post totally eludes me, even after a fair bit of googling and reading.

It seems apps are necessary - and mine is an app-lite ipad. So this is an image-less post, sorry.

The point of this post has therefore changed. I am ruminating about the concept of "doing nothing", or perhaps that can be renamed - I've been calling times like this "a should-free day". There is nothing I feel I should be doing [aha, just figured out how to do italics!] ... so, lots gets done; not necessarily the things that urgently, importantly need doing, but those that are nice to do at this moment in time, as it were.

As I continue writing, the table is getting cleared, with a Handgriff here and there, and some decisive actions involving the wastepaper basket, aka bin. It doesn't really take that long ... the hard part is getting started,  and there are ways to trick yourself into starting...

Coming up:  another look at Renaissance Velvets, from the V&A book sale, and later, starting to read Claire Messud's The Woman Upstairs (; sorry, can't figure out how to add links).

Doing nothing ... just rambling ...

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