
27 March 2015

Ceramics - last class

Not quite the "end" - but the last class of the course saw a flurry of activity as I rushed to get what I could in the kiln. These will be available after 20 April ... which seems a long time away, given that some of them were started several weeks ago. Never mind, ceramics is a slow process, even when you use only one firing!
Some of these had dried out over the past week, others were fresh-dipped
They started out like this -

A final view of my drip-drying paraphernalia-improvisation - a weight in the bowl keeps the sticks in place -
The hairdryer is subsequently applied to each, to help dry out the bottoms and keep the sand from sticking - though that doesn't always work. No time for extra drying this week...

I had made some little paper-clay and metallic-organza pots at home -
On the left - to go into the kiln; on the right, what came out
The metal has a greenish tinge when paper clay is used, but with dipped porcelain, it turns black no matter what colour the fabric was -
Sampling different colours of metallic organza
And finally, more of what came out of the kiln (and had to be carefully taken home) -

The blue is glass from a few melted beads


  1. I love what you've been doing: the shapes and textures the fabric gives and especially the ripples of 'water' from the melted blue beads.

  2. Love the blue melted glass addition. Somewhere to head with the next course?

  3. You are rocking ceramics! I just love what you do!

  4. Qué cantidad de cosas distintas e interesantes haces
