
15 March 2015

Front garden

Two years on from buying the garden flat in this building - I was desperate to get the bulky bikes out of the narrow hall and into a bike shed in its garden - the garden, my garden!, is taking shape. The bikes have been in the shed for nearly two years, fortunately. 
Before - concreting up the wall
During - clearing out the raised bed area for planting;
the cubic metre of topsoil soon disappeared
Still more "during" - starting to level the paved area
The morning after - Mr Fox has visited the new topsoil
There will be planting among the paving stones (aka "the bike path") as well as in the raised bed. Although this small area won't hold a lot of plants, I hope to have something in bloom throughout the year, and some scented plants. Any suggestions?


  1. So next time I came, it will be nice change in your garden, Bisous. Béatrice de Lausanne.

  2. So next time I came, it will be nice change in your garden, Bisous. Béatrice de Lausanne.
