
22 March 2015

New directions?

In combining textiles and ceramics - or, turning textiles into porcelain - I'm making some flat pieces that will fit into box frames and hang on someone's wall, maybe. They are gathered and steamed and dipped and fired ... but none have come out of the kiln yet ... so I don't really know what to do next ...

The simplest is a rectangle about 10cm high; this one has metallic threads stitched across the gathers -

This is a sampler of the different metallic organzas, to see if they make different colours after firing -
After gathering and steaming, it looks like this -
It'll be interesting to compare the photo to the dipped and fired version ... but too late to develop anything based on the knowledge gained. Ah well, "next time"...

"Four Fields" before dipping, indeed before the sections were sewn together -
 ... and afterwards -
Aha, it's not the same "four fields" - unfortunately I forgot to take a "before" photo of this version. The "after" photo ... that's anyone's guess at this point! 

I like the format and have had all sorts of ideas about developing it, incorporating the metallic (colouring) elements in various ways, as fabric and as stitching. As there won't be time on the ceramics course to fire more, I'm thinking about developing them as textiles. Here's another in various stages of gathering -
 This is an idea involving layering of sheer fabrics -
Nice mindless stitching for television evenings or tube journeys!


  1. love the look of the steamed second one.
    How are you doing your steaming? At home or at the class?

  2. What a very exciting way to work.

  3. This is so exciting! I love the effects you are creating. Would so love to see them for real!
