
02 May 2015

Seen in Vogue

Everyday dress in Bhutan, amid the (shiny) pages of Vogue magazine -
Traditional and dignified; the sort of clothes you don't have to think twice about. The accompanying photoshoot was exuberant with colourful fantasy costumes and the fashion was ... well, fashion ...

In the same issue (?May), the article about dry cleaning did emphasise the dangers of perc, the chemical, and mentioned eco chemicals that are increasingly being used. One firm in London will go to great lengths to clean carefully - removing the buttons and sewing them back "invisibly", or even taking a garment apart and sewing it back together - at no small cost. The figures that stick in my mind are the woman who paid - ah this was in a New York establishment - $25,000 to have her $250,000 dress cleaned. And how enlightening to hear that some people spend £300 a month on dry cleaning!

1 comment:

  1. do you suppose the $250,000 dress was really dirty? I think for that kind of cleaning bill I'd wear it several times, maybe even ignoring the odd red wine spot once or twice....
