
06 May 2015

Strolling on a Sunday

Starting point: Tate Modern, where we'd just seen the Sonia Delaunay exhibition (till 9 August), then had some lunch on the 5th floor and, as always, were tempted to take photos through the frosted glass in the lift lobby -
Walking westward ... that's the new Blackfriars bridge in the background, quite a good way to get to Tate Modern -
 Past the Dazzle Ship, a 1918 vessel transformed by German artist Tobias Rehberger -
 ... towards Waterloo Bridge, the tide high now -
Through an area of stalls set up with Malaysian food, and a stage with live music, lots of people eating and strolling and stopping and listening.

Red vehicles, under and on the bridge -
The sun came out and the Festival Hall area was jam-packed with people getting their lunch at the Spanish Food Festival ...
which continued underneath Hungerford bridge -

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