
01 July 2015

Berlin miscellany

Ornate water pump near Schoeneberg station. You see pumps here and there, mostly rather plain ones and often grafittied.

Electrical box reflects the surroundings: Mehringplatz

Another electrical box, and a "tree garden" outside a greek restaurant (note the re-use of olive oil tins)

Some of those tiny gardens are delightful oases

"Twinned with" - ??  Radhaus Steglitz

Waste bins at the Botanical Garden - sections for glasus vulgus, plasticus berlinensis,
papyrus antiquus, restus wegwurfus

Dancing in the rain, beside the river "beach"

A flotilla of raft-boats on Wannsee
Making satellite dishes into personal expressions, Potsdamer Strasse

Bike becomes floral fantasy

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