
24 July 2015

Friday miscellany

The wardrobe doors open to reveal clothes on hangers, then the whole thing folds into a card

Jolly beach umbrellas, part of a Bond Street jewellery display
Exhibition "curated by Tony Cragg" at BlainSouthern -
Matthias Lanfer  manipulates industrial materials using cutting edge processes

Gereon Lepper, Der Apparat fast unbewegt
The fans switch on every 8 minutes, and the wire cage trembles, but nothing else moves

Andreas Schmitten, Basic Distinct
Minimalist forms, colours derived from Pop Art, fluoresent lighting, dull or reflective surfaces
The fabric in Schmitten's work brought up the "why fabric" question - what qualities of cloth make it the right medium to choose. Later the question came up again, or perhaps partly answered itself, in this shrouding of a shop being renovated -
Back at home, the zinnias in my garden continue to delight -

1 comment:

  1. Your zinnias are great. Very envious. I tried to grow them but it is not warm or dry enough in the summer here in N Ireland
