
07 August 2015

Ceramics, day 3 (of 3)

What joy, something came out of the kiln at last! And only one crumbled ...
The finished work - and the work for the day ahead, prepared in a bit of a frenzy during the week. Many are sindamay -
And the ones that weren't ready to fire last week -
By lunchtime, most were dipped and drying, some were dripping, and the fired ones needed packing up carefully to take home, hence the cut-up plastic water bottles and shredded paper under the table -
 By the end of the day, 29 more waiting to be fired, to be collected mid-September -
Some individual pieces -
Metallic fabric inside, linen outside

Ceramic "applique"

Stitched with metal threads

Metallic beads

Metallic threads woven into silk

Machined tucks on organza, overcast with metal thread

Handstitched with metal thread

A clustering of favourites

Linking this to Off the Wall Fridays.


  1. These are great. I've been looking at your posts and wondering how they'd fire. I'm impressed how they've come out. Is it porcelain slip? Do you know what metal is in the thread? I like how colour has bleached into the clay. Thank you for sharing.

  2. These are wonderful! You should enter them in Fiberart International (if you could figure out how to ship). This is a great body of work.

  3. Oh Margaret, these are just to-die-for!! Splendid work!!
