
10 August 2015

Mondays are cycling days

Last week we had sunshine and there were rather a lot of us, on a variety of bikes. I ended up with one with a bar, far too many gears, and a very hard seat!
First though, four of us had a spin on the four-seater - with much hilarity. Just one person steers, and those in front do the gears. It's the red structure behind the recumbent -
Apparently the park itself was very busy the previous week - school holidays - so the group went in a different direction, and we set out that way this time, over the big busy road via an orange bridge and then over the river and along it through woods ... across fields to the canal, and along to towpath back to the park. That towpath can be a bit narrow under the bridges; I was glad not to meet another cyclist just there. If you'd told me when I was 20 that I'd be such a scaredy-cat, I wouldn't have believed it.

Fish Island eatery, along the canal

New encroaching on old

View into the park from the towpath

"Stop here, appreciate life for one minute and smile. Oraculo Project"
A helpful blogging thing
The blog posts about cycling now have a label, at the end of the post - if you click on "cycling" it will bring up all the other posts with that label. This works for any label of course - and it also works from the list of labels that you'll find in the sidebar if you scroll down, and down ... it's the last bit of text in the sidebar. (Some blogs have a label list at the bottom of the webpage, in the footer.)

Labels are useful for grouping blog posts by topic, for example putting all the journal quilt posts "in one place" as it were - click on the relevant label and there they are. The one small thing to remember is to  use the same label; for instance I have several JQ labels, depending on size, which could be confusing. And lots of labels I no longer use, eg "clay books" because I'm no longer using those - but they need to stay in the list because the only way to get rid of the labels is to go to each post and delete that label.

A little thought about what labels to use, at the outset or before you get too far along with a series of posts, could save a lot of relabelling later.

warning: labels are case sensitive! More tips about using labels and searching a blog are here.

Tip 4 is how to search for multiple labels - you need to use the | character (I've always wondered what that might be for!).

The final tip gives you the formula for the URL for searching for a keyword within a label - wow, that's something I've recently longed to be able to do. So ... I tried it and got a torrent of html -

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