
28 September 2015

Autumnal ride

This week I'll be missing the cycling session at Olympic Park. Last week the park had a hillside covered in sedum and sedgey grasses -
 .... and asters under a birch grove -
 ... not to mention the great clumps of grass on the way to the velodrome -
 Their colours currently at their best -
 Various school groups were using the mountain bike area -
 I found my way to the Middlesex Filter Beds, now a nature reserve, and came across the cover of the central section - well you could hardly miss it -
 Further along, past the Nature's Throne sculpture, is the site of mills -
The water supplied power to the mills - to grind corn, a logwood mill to bore holes in (wooden) water pipes, and a cutter's mill to make pins - one workman could point 120,000 pins and needles in one day.

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