
07 November 2015

Countdown to the book fair

Seven working days to go, and here's what's on hand and in progress. Some _boxes to be ticked!

_The dictionary stands are yet to be made (by my Domestic Carpenter).

_The list of pigments that will line the broken spine of the colour dictionary is yet to be formatted and printed.

_A loose section in the colour dictionary needs to be sewn.

The Paint Chart is ready for _formatting, _printing, and lots of _gluing -
All the colour strips are ready!
I hope to get three copies made, in an edition of five.

23 thaumatropes are ready - they'll be more interesting if sold in pairs: by holding them together and twirling both at once, four combinations of colours are possible -
To get an even number, I'll _make a few more in the colours that are in short supply.

_The thaumatropes need envelopes or bags.

Four decks of "marked cards" are ready -
and another two "just" need a _top coat, the colourful one (the base coat of white has been done).

_The cards need boxes making - adding paint makes them a very tight fit in the original boxes.

And a new item, arising from all the paint colours that didn't match the colour on the dictionary page. The idea is to _make a fan book that will spread into a rainbow of colours, but some of the painted papers aren't stiff enough. What could be glued on the back? ... how about bits of maps?
The working title for these books is "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and I haven't decided how many pages or quite how to fasten them together. At least I've found the paper punch for making the hole! This seems quite straightforward in comparison to the paint chart ... I'm looking forward to finishing the paint chart and getting on with the fan books.

_They'll need an envelope or something too.

Lots of book-work still to do. And _gathering cloths for the table, that sort of thing. It's been a while since I've had a stand at a book fair so I no longer have all the gubbins assembled ready for action.


  1. that list makes me feel anxious! it's all looking amazing :)

  2. My but you're going to be busy! Good luck ...

  3. That sounds like a terrific amount of work Margaret. The interim results look stunning.
