
18 December 2015

2015 journal quilts done

The final four have been posted to the Contemporary Quilt yahoogroup (others here and here) -
and the naming convention has been observed; it's part of the rules to name them so that the maker and month can be identified, but a surprising number of people seem unable to do this, and leave the name their camera gives the images. Not good.

When it came to taking a photo of all 12, I became indecisive - 6x2? - and which should go where? -
 Or does 4x3 work better for the 12"x6" format? -
 Shucks, why dither? The first photo taken works as well as any -

(Linked to Off the Wall Friday.)


  1. I like these individually but they also make very effective sets, whichever way you lay them out.

  2. gorgeous. Anyway you look at it. Gorgeous and able to draw one in...

  3. Love them, individually and as building blocks for a larger work of art. You're just awesome!

  4. These are wonderful and I love them all together.

  5. These are awesome! I like 'em together as well. Happy Holidays from the Left Coast.

  6. Surprisingly, I couldn't see them as easily stacked 3 x 4 as when they were oriented 2 x 6. The individual units stand out. Interesting work!

  7. They're moody and beautiful, however you arrange them!
