
23 February 2016

Bloomin' wet

Two pairs of garden photos, to show the joys of the season - a somewhat early one -
The little daffs are a miracle, sprung to life in a neglected windowbox after drying out all summer; the tiny irises are so perky, so brave!

As for the inevitable rain - it does stop sometimes -
Is it time to be out there, planting, now? Or sowing seeds? Or ordering plants?  Gardeners, what would you recommend for a small garden?

1 comment:

  1. I'd wait. It is only Feb after all and things can rot if the soil becomes waterlogged. Don't pay attention to the fact that they sell things!

    Only thing I might suggest, if you didn't have them for overwinter, is some polyanthus/primula type flowers to finish off the winter or maybe some pansies.

    A good idea in the meanwhile is to get one or both of Mr Hessayon's books on flowers or bulbs.
    We have quite a few of these books. I find them very useful, but especially when it is about British plants and weather.
