
16 February 2016

Drawing Tuesday - Grant Museum of Zoology

"Viewpoint", the murals at the entrance of the museum, were painted in 2013 by Sarah Cameron of the UCL Slade School of Fine Art.

We choose our allotted two specimens and sat and drew. It was good to sit at a table, but next time - choose bigger specimens!

The galago
The platypus - but without the bill
Yes the galago skeleton really did have a "dislocated" hip ... and having done one entire creature, I wanted to look more closely at certain parts of the other, so the platypus page is a jumble of legs and vertebrae -

Lighting was a bit tricky, and some went to draw bigger items elsewhere.
Joyce's "Neanderthal Skull Cast"

Carol enjoyed the primates in the gallery

Janet's galago

From a different angle - Sue's galago. Also known as bushbabies, they are small
nocturnal primates living in Africa

My dugong, in bony bits 

Dugongs are aquatic mammals who graze the seagrass in warm regions. They are
believed to be the inspiration for stories of mermaids, and are an endangered species

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for dropping by "Tanglewood Threads', Margaret. I am still smiling at you 'almost' missing the Canadian weather! But you lucky girl will be enjoying an English spring any day now....having originated on that side of the Atlantic, the Spring is what I miss most! Lucky girl being in London studying art! I used to live in Hampstead!
