
08 April 2016

Choosing a book ... by its cover

These for dipping into, not for the delight of looking at the cover -
Claxton: field notes from a small planet, by Mark Cocker; The Book of Barely Imagined Beings: a 21st century bestiary, by Caspar Henderson; Mind of the Raven, by Bernd Heinrich
And this one for reading too, though it was the linocut cover (and endpapers) that drew my eye, to the point where I need to get a copy -
Here again it's the cover ... cut out of an endgrain woodblock, so the trees show a strange sort of woodiness -
How delightful to have a shelf full of "secret art" in the form of book covers. A democratic medium?

A different but equally fascinating (to me) topic - "lifting the lid on women's lives" (reviewed here) -
Apologies for the blurry photo - my hand was trembling with excitement...

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