
05 April 2016

Drawing Tuesday - Maritime Museum

A sunny day in Greenwich -

and a great display of figureheads at the Maritime Museum -

Information on the ships they came from

It felt like I'd bitten off more than I could chew ...

... but perseverance filled the page

More figureheads

Part of the figurehead of HMS Bristol, built 1861 and broken up in 1883.
The figurehead was one of many that decorated the roof of the office of
Castle & Co (the breakers)at Millbank, London; its head is all that
 survived WWII bombing
Other work -
Carol continues to use colour

Sue's speedboat - Miss Britain III - rivets and reflections

Mags looked again and again at the "roping palm" - she writes about it here

Sitting at mezzanine level, Janet K focussed on two of the figureheads

Janet B took both the front and back views of a statue of a ssiilor

Both Mags and Janet B had been on a drawing course at the
British Museum and told us about what they'd done and learned 

Tool of the week - a tin of Lumograph pencils, HB to 8B


  1. deja vu -- we were at the maritime museum on April 1 2015, also a sunny day, also a wonderful museum visit. wish I could be back there this year too!

  2. Those Lumograph pencils look most inviting - maybe I need some for a planned sketching trip next week?!
