
28 June 2016

Drawing Tuesday - British Museum

We met in Room 41, the one with the Sutton Hoo treasure and other early medieval items, such as the Cuerdale Hoard, 40 kg of coins, ingots and hacksilver found in Lancashire, dating to 905-910.
Intriguingly, "Bone pins hint that the silver was parcelled up in cloth bags" - and there's a bone pin in my drawing (though you'd be hard put to spot it) -





 Technique of the week - using the side of a crayon or even a pencil for instant shading -
Afterwards we went to Pushkin House nearby to see an exhibition of Russian drawing. It's on till 3 August, open 2-5pm "most days".
carbon paper on light box

One of a suite of four - the lines looking rather like modern music scores

3D elements - "rather Anselm Kiefer", we thought

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