Regent Street was closed for an event - "Transported by Design" - part of a larger campaign, "an inspiring showcase of events and activities to raise awareness of TfL's rich design heritage", that runs till the end of the year.
It certainly didn't match up to the collection of vintage buses that filled the street two years ago, but there were also some old black taxis and a 1927 tube carriage, the first standardised design -
Why the no smoking signs on the windows, though? These carriages went out of service in the 1960s - and smoking was allowed till 1984 (and on platforms till 1987).
I turned my camera toward the sky -
and to people using their own cameras -Don't know why, but collections of feet and legs often find their way into the camera -
Then it was off to the RA Summer Exhibition. The family photography in the courtyard was delightful -
And in the show, the first thing that caught my eye - the sumptuously charcoal'd trees, hung high up - was the work that most appealed. Such a wonderful surface, even at that distance. The jagged lines set up a strange tension with the large square painting underneath -
The difraction in perspex cubes continues to perplex me; sometimes the placement of the cube in the space is what makes for good effects, bringing the background "into" the cube -
I've saved half the show for later. From what Olga has written, there are good things yet to be found.
i really enjoyed those charcoal trees ... so wonderfully bold and simple.