
26 September 2016

Day out in Margate

Meeting Mags to catch the "Seeing Around Corners: the Art of the Circle" show at Turner Contemporary (reviews here and here and elsewhere); Olga's post that prompted the trip is here

No photography was allowed in the show, so we each filled four pages in our sketchbooks, often with notes rather than sketches. 
Artist ... Richard Long

Taking a break, half time

View from the gallery out to sea
 Having looked intensely at circles for a couple of hours, we then saw them everywhere...
An exhibition about circles ... and cafe to match ...

Wonderful shadows on the terrace

Long's marks

Jetty and town
Within the Harbour Arm

End of the day

A handful of treasures
The most memorable exhibits?

- Theaster Gate's goat on wheels, first heard in another room, clanking its way round a circular track - it has a long title: A Complicated Relationship Between Heaven and Earth, or, When We Believe (part of his winning installation at Artes Mundi 2014)

-the big blue wheel leaning in a corner, which I tried hard to ignore - and have forgotten the artist's name

- Bridget Riley's yellow circles
 Two Yellows, Composition with Circles 5, 2011 by Bridget Riley (via)
- Nuremberg Chronicle, open to the spread showing days 1 and 2 of the creation of the earth and all that's on/in it
Day 4 of creation (via)
Navigating Moby Dick by Alison Turnbull -
Robert Mangold's Circle within a polygon - so simple... image not available, but some of his many circles are here.

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