
10 October 2016

Glimpses of the Knitting and Stitching Show

Prize-winning quilts from Festival of Quilts

The show....

Double Trouble (Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn)

Debbie Lyddon - salt makes fabric quite solid

Debbie Lyddon - rust, indigo, and holes
Dionne Swift - painted landscapes and stitched landscape shapes
Dionne Swift - a subtle answer to my "why fabric? why stitch?" question
Alice Fox - thinking ahead to "how to display the work" - wonderful shadows

Alice Fox - small pieces using rust
Sian Martin, in the Embroiderers Guild's homage to Capability Brown

Another piece by Sian Martin, using photographic negatives
Also from "Capability Brown", transparent work by Cherrilyn Tyler
inspired by the 111 grassy steps at Milton Abbey

Recent graduate Amanda Woollard

Manchester School of Arts staff and students used the Gawthorpe textiles collection as starting points

How many stitches? some fact-finding ... labels have name and age, and stitch count
(but I can't remember what group was doing this!)
(Though thanks to Sandy's comment, I can reveal that it was part of un.FOLD's show.)
My favourite of the wools ... but I didn't buy any this time


  1. Thank you for this, Margaret. It reminded me of why I should have gone! It was a great pleasure to see new work by Alice Fox and Dionne Swift. I love the way they both challenge the boundaries. I was especially interested to see Dionne's work and the way it's going, with its nods across the boundaries of drawing and stitch.
    Perhaps next year.

  2. The stitching exercise was part of the exhibition by the group Un.Fold (or Unfold if you want to actually search.) Christine Chester and Sally Skaife are part of the group.

  3. The quilts look beautifully displayed. Was that the case for all of them?
    I enjoyed this post.
