
02 November 2016

Avoiding the studio (again)

A lovely morning - brilliant sunshine and a little nip in the air. I took myself out early for a nice coffee and decided to have a little walk down the canal, in the opposite direction from last time - ie, into town.
Queens Park Library, on the Harrow Road

The iconic Trellick Tower

Bus route 28 crosses the canal via this bridge

Graffiti everywhere, really

My route crossed the canal here

I never did find the towpath again, and turned around upon seeing this misplaced postbox

Big houses on Randolph Avenue, on the way to get the No 6 bus back to Kensal Rise
Back home before 10, and since then I've been watching the leaves on the plane tree in front of the window change colour - there has definitely been increased yellow over the course of the day.

No attempt has been made to "do art". Maybe tomorrow. Or the next day. Meanwhile I'm pondering the meaning of "make hay while the sun shines".

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