
15 January 2017

Lazy Sunday

There comes the morning when your neglect of the Five A Day rule hits home - you wake up craving vegetables! Fortunately I had some in the fridge, and fortunately(?) enough of the morning had already gone that by the time the oven had heated and they'd been peeled, cut up, and nicely roasted, it was late enough to call the resulting meal Brunch. Or even, Early Lunch.

The veg make a sort of bacon substitute ( the roasted leeks are particularly delicious). The cheese is a nice Cheshire, paired with seven-grain toast. One cup of coffee wasn't enough...

Later I'll be doing a tax return; till then, my laziness includes finishing reading a book (review here and elsewhere)
and pootling about on the computer ... as you do ...

Meanwhile I've been on to Freecycle and offered my collection of woolly jumpers, for making stuffed cuddly toys or hot water bottles or some other sort of recycling ... will there be any takers?


  1. on the thumbnail link to your blog I thought it was folded fabric on edge rather than strips of veg....... it that being one track minded???

  2. A host of great ways to avoid doing your tax return. Mine today have included trying to get to grips with the fantastic (but complicated) new A3 Epson printer I've just bought, emailing friends ... and even doing the washing! The latter shows just how much I HATE having to deal with anything tax-related. You have my sympathies!
