
24 March 2017

Tube steps

tfl (Transport for London) has lots of info about walking on its website - and now has come up with a tube "map"* giving the number of steps between Underground (and Overground) stations - 100 steps a minute is a comfortable pace, they reckon (your mileage may vary).

London has a river running through it, and the tube runs under the river. It doesn't take long to spot some numbers floating in the river -
Wapping to Rotherhithe, 4900 steps; Island Gardens to Cutty Sark, 1200 steps
There's a pedestrian tunnel to Greenwich, but how do you get from Wapping to Rotherhithe on foot? Ah, via Tower Bridge - 46 minutes, 2.3 miles. "It's quicker by tube", as the old saying goes. (When is the Overground really the Underground?)

Another little quibble is that some of the linked stations could do with having step counts for the transfers between lines. Has anyone counted the number of steps at Green Park to get from Jubilee Line to Victoria Line - or at Waterloo to get from Jubilee Line to Bakerloo Line?

*It's not really a map, it's not to scale - it's a diagram.

1 comment:

  1. i have to agree regarding changing stations on the underground! Green Park change-over is one of the worst. Often it's quicker to go outside & walk!!
