
22 April 2017

Blast from the past - April 2012

This morning, as I dash around with a duster, preparing for a house guest before rushing out to an all-day meeting, we revisit April of five years ago, during the Book Arts MA course.

On 20 April I was copying out, and over-writing, text from an article on ... what, can't remember (which is what the work was about, obscured memories) -
On 23 April, it was couching threads into small books - 
The concern was with the fronts and backs of embroidery - here the front is the dark thick thread, the back is the lighter thinner couching thread that holds it on the page. They look like landscape, but there's that strange hiatus at the spine...

I still have the colour catchers (somewhere) and the "embarrassing richness of threads", some inherited from friends' mothers -
26 April 2012

1 comment:

  1. I was very interested to see that little book of couched threads, captivated as I am just now by the thought of book arts. How lucky you were to be able to complete an MA course on the subject!
