
03 May 2017

A gathering of JQs

Making so many journal quilts in a short space of time seems to have gone to my head. While on the CQ yahoogroup site, looking at photos, I discovered you could tick a box to display just your own photos ... and there they were, all my jqs, in more or less continuous date order (but in reverse order, so January is at bottom right - never mind...).
2007 - the first year of journal quilts (A4 size)

2008 - 10" square - another year of miscellaneous subjects

2009 - 6"x12" - a frieze of moons -
each month is based on the folkloric name for the moons, eg March is "Crow moon"

2010 - 8"x10" - off to a bad start with those doors, but how
I enjoyed improvising the scrappy "weather" quilts!

2011 - 10" square, with a button and a word on each

2012 - 7"x 10" -Stellar Sunrise
circles of black card tucked into or laid onto stripes of fabric; each quiltlet is
named after a constellation

2013 - Olives!
their adventures got more fanciful as the year went on

2014 - Gatherings
organza with additions, pleated and heat set before stitching onto 6"x12" background

2015 - High Horizons
(bottom left is a magazine page, rearranged and stitched down)

2016 - stitching into paper (with a fabric backing) - orange,
green, purple squares in each
Some of my JQs were mounted on canvas and sold through exhibitions, others became Bookwraps to raise money for the Quilters' Guild in 2013. And then there was the Little Gems tombola, a very successful fundraiser in 2009, for which I made rather a lot of A4-sized quiltlets, with great pleasure -  with about 2000 contributions from dozens of other quilters around the UK and internationally, Contemporary Quilt raised over £10,000 for the Quilt Museum and Gallery in York.


  1. They're ALL fantastic! And it's great to see them grouped by year. You done good!

  2. Impressive amount of work Margaret! You're a Trojan at doing all these -leaves me floored!!
