
21 May 2017

A good day for gardening

Off we went to the garden centre, with such an array, such choice of potted blooms -
Red-hot poker primula and scabious

It's so easy to spend £££....
Geum, fuchsia, spirea, etc, etc
Filling the back of the car -
Salvia, convulvulus, etc
 Finding temporary places (on the gas meters, why not) and thinking about where they will be planted -
At which point it was time to head off into town for a Walk London event - a short walk encompassing the history of the area along the Thames between Pimlico and Westminster. The perfect way to spend a couple of hours on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

I couldn't wait to get home to get on with that planting. Priority was the pot beside the front door - for safety's sake it was bolted down first -
 And here it is, planted up and settling in -
Fuchsia [Tom''s choice], geranium [Gemma's addition], bacopa [for trailing]
Windowboxes might get done tomorrow, shouldn't take long - I leave most of the plants in their pots, so they can be easily exchanged once their blooming is over.

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