
06 June 2017

Drawing Tuesday - Camden Arts Centre

Besides the nice cafe with bosquey outdoor seating, the venue offered two exhibitions - Geta Bratescu and  Paul Johnson (till 18 June).

Some internet images of works in Bratescu's show -
"Drawing with closed eyes" (via)
The "black and white piece" ... collaged textile (via)

One of the Medusa series (via)

"The Traveller" (via)

Book on grey pages, the same photo against foil of different shapes (via)

Using textile scraps that came from her mother  (via)

This small work by Bratescu was compelling - she manipulated this photo of herself in other works too -
The Smile (via, which has more works also seen in the show)
Later I realised it reminded me of paper dolls cut in a strip; at the time I was busy drawing several versions -
Quickly round the gallery
Spending more time with the acrobats, and the eyes-closed-drawings
Sue's "acrobats" show their true proportions - (a variant of the acrobats is here) -
Joyce was captured by "No to Violence"  -
Judith drew a small section of the Paul Johnson exhibition -
Jo settled down on a bench and drew what was around it, including door handles and this exit sign, which - out of context and textured - suddenly becomes a story about to happen -

Extracurricular activities 

Sue worked from a photo of cabbages taken at her allotment to produce "something a little more abstract" -
and Joyce captured these textures from an ancient willow near Dedham (in Constable Country), with a view to using them for embroidery -

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