
26 July 2017

Getting out the pots

The surfaces in my (reclaimed) studio are overrun by ceramics made over the past three or four years -
These are the ones that interest me more -
The idea is to make groupings of them - families perhaps, or "conversations" - and the sticking-point, in terms of exhibiting them at all, is how to display them. (Answers on a postcard, please!)

A chance to exhibit a group arose and I spent quite a lot of time finding The Group. Yes it was fun -
Singletons, and backgrounds

Groups, and angles
The shortlist -
Porcelain books

With metal threads

Made with sinamay scraps - see the fabric version here
I chose the "splash" group, and it will be in the Readymade show at City Lit until 29 August. The PV is 5.30-7 on Thursday 3rd August, do come along if you can - there will be work from students in all sorts of media.

1 comment:

  1. I love all of them. The scrunched ones are wonderful, too. Though to you maybe you thought they weren't structured enough to stand up.

    I would love to have you come and talk about them to TVCT! Not sure the best way to deliver you and the work though!
