
08 August 2017

Drawing Tuesday - Serpentine Galley

We were a bit thin on the ground, despite the attractions of the Grayson Perry show (till 10 Sept), the summer pavilion, and the pleasant weather. So, first, some pix of the exhibition (which became quite busy and had a bit of queue by the time we left).
Riffing on the "double-headed dog"

Death of a Working Hero
(note the then-and-now value-change from Provide to Protect)

Riffing on roadside shrines

"Married couple visiting a shine" - makes me smile

Nice to see "quilting" up there with fishing etc
It was great to see some actual sketchbooks lying open, and some presented digitally, page after page. Details from one of the enormous woodcuts (Animal Spirit) -

I was attracted to the folksy details of the shrine, round the back - the patterning of the rusted "gingerbread men", the couple with the new baby (or is it a spirit ascending to heaven) -
 Then a quicker, looser rendition of "Our Mother" (front view here), a "moving indictment of poverty" -

Sue tackled the geometry of the pavilion -
 and Carol found the statue of Peter Pan beside the lake -

And the rest is extracurricular activities  -

Michelle was distracted by memories evoked by the chance discovery of a postcard from the 80s -
 Carol's sewing machine got used for making a jolly bag for her grandson -
 and for free-machine embroidery on felt -
 Later in the week several in the group met at the pv of City Lit's summer foyer show (till 29 August) -
Mags' "Mussel"

My "Trio" (aka "A Smaller Splash")

Janet K's "Workroom Friends"

Sue's "Triangulated" - the cutouts make it 3D, in other circumstances,
but got a bit squished here

Michelle's  "From Home" collage

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