
23 August 2017

Extreme thrift

So there I was, piecing together some bits of polyester wadding to go inside journal quilts! Daft or what ...

The remaining bits got smaller and smaller ... and three "innards" came out of something that could, or even should, have been thrown away -
I even used up odd bits of thread that were to hand, which wasn't about thrift but about making it more interesting to myself, during the doing. And hey, no-one would be seeing this!

As I was about to add the innards to the pile of materials for possible JQs, I saw the results in terms of shapes and compositions, and liked what I saw. 

Randomness has yielded inspiration - a design source. The middle on particularly pleases me, the way the long strips fit into the angle, and the shorter strip, itself angled, into the other angle. I couldn't have made that up ... it had to "just happen". And now that it has ... how to take it further? 

For now - I need to use this wadding and make some JQs, the deadline is approaching - I've traced the shapes. What happens when they're layered up, in various orientations?

Tracing the design, to make it more complex, which lines would you leave in and which would you take out?

Later I'll scale the original shapes down to fit many-on-a-sketchbook-page and play with colours and arrangements, juxtaposition and composition, balance and tonal value, contrast and highlight.

1 comment:

  1. you write-

    "Later I'll scale the original shapes down to fit many-on-a-sketchbook-page and play with colours and arrangements, juxtaposition and composition, balance and tonal value, contrast and highlight"-------

    so for this stage you are making decisions rather than it being random???/ When is something truly random when a decision or decisions come into the making. You just got me mulling over this. Thank you for giving me something to tease at
