
21 August 2017

Studio Monday

Lunch is late today because I've been immersed in the studio all morning. Which is unusual, these days, but hopefully will be less so now...

It was the arrival of not just the carpet but of The Sheep that made the difference.
Obviously The Sheep is nothing more than a fleecy skin (£4 of cosiness, found in a charity shop in Salisbury) over a solid wooden stepstool, but it's starting to feel like a friend. It's nice to spend time with it, and a coffee, and podcasts, and some sewing (on the chair is a little bag that badly needed some "boro" attention - sorted!).

Also I needed to get together some fabric for a quilty day later this week, so out came the box of scraps -
which led to this'n'that and even involved getting the iron out!
(Unironed) "muted/desaturated" scraps

A maelstorm of tiny scraps to add to the journal quilts currently under construction

One such use for a tiny scrap

Lovely big scrap, and some smaller ones

Frottage on organza

... and some "what next" thoughts
 The frottage is derived from "the pink bit" -
Samples of couching that had found their way into the
scrap box; the backgrounds have been tinted with ink

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