
28 August 2017

Taking the camera for a walk

"[It] Who Must Be Obeyed" gets me out of the house and taking 10,000 steps a day. I've had It for three months and have walked at least 60 km a week, thanks to this motivation. Gotta meet the daily target! But this is during long days and good(ish) weather ... we'll have to wait and see whether this can be maintained in winter.
So It is on my wrist, and The Phone (aka The Camera) is always with me. I'm trying to take fewer photos, but old habits die hard, so here are a few found on this week's strolls.
Carefully cut

In Sunnyside Community Gardens. The text at the bottom is
almost obliterated but says "If you think you're too small to
make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito

Numbered gates seem to be disappearing

Disused building on Archway Road

Archway Road

Archway Road ... the chemist is long gone

Crouch End

The grand and the ordinary

"Marriage licence found!" in allotments on Shepherd's Hill 
Village(?) cricket in Crouch End

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I've always been curious about the success of those little contraptions....sounds like it is working for you! Maybe its just what I need to keep me motivated. And having the camera along for the walk is an extra incentive, it seems. Cheers! Patti
