
01 September 2017

The "gridded" quilts so far

With quiltlets to be made for Sept-Dec, here are the 2017 journal quilts so far.
January - Fissure
February - Gaming

March - Illusion

April - Camouflage

May - On Autopilot

June - Loosely Woven

July - Sultry City

August - Underwater Archaeology
The "grids" theme is something I do want to explore, so I'll try to do the next journal quilts in a timely manner, and hopefully in a prolific manner too. With the studio back in action, and no family commitments, there's no excuse.

Anyway, is an excuse needed? Playing with fabric is a happy thing. "It's only fabric" - empires will not fall if something goes wrong! Why do we deny ourselves these small pleasures? And on the other hand, why do we beat ourselves up for not doing "enough" of it? (Can't win!)


  1. Very nice! I will be looking forward to the next piece!

  2. I love the way you push your themes and tease at them. This becomes apparent when you show all the JQs one after another.

  3. Some really good pieces here - I like the Feb Mar & May best! Well impressed.
