Here's cat I often see sitting in the window, on top of the convenient shutters, catching a bit of sun, as cats are wont to do -
This next is NOT an actual cat, lying on the pavement, though the enigmatic object startled me into wondering just what it might be (a bit of cloth, fallen on hard times...). It was evening, I was taking the long way home to make up my 10,000 step quota; in any case, a photo was needed -And the next day, this ghostly creature (definitely not a cat), climbing among the shrubbery at Colindale tube station -
They fit in well with the "monsters" woodcuts I'm currently doing. It's probably not a coincidence that I'm seeing strange creatures in unlikely places; what's that saying about "fortune favours the prepared mind" ?
you say "fortune favours the prepared mind" so then you have to "seize the day" and run with it ......