
25 October 2017

Printing the "japanese" woodblock

Last week, I was finally ready to print. The woodblock has been dampened and left to steep for an hour; the packet of paper has been getting damp for half an hour, and the colours have been chosen -
 Nori applied, and the first colours on. I was surprised how closely different colours could be put -
 Rubbing with the baren - oops, I forgot to use a sheet of baking parchment, to protect the paper! -
This use of many colours on the same block is not, of course, the traditional way ... but I just had to do it, to see what happens ...
First print

Slight change in colours for the second

Further colour change
The block after three prints
I have some ideas for making a block or two to layer up with this one. This week is half term at the college, which gives me all day today to work on it, and/or to print the block I cut at home last week.

At clean-up time, this pleasant arrangement evolved ....

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