
19 November 2017

Friday, Saturday

"Tasteful" xmas decs in a shop window...
 ... on the way to the ICA with its fabulous floors - have tea with new artfriends -
 None of us got much out of the current exhibition - a series of screens with "rescued videos" by a "postconceptual" artist, but we did enjoy speculating about what postconceptional - oops, postconceptUAL - art is. Or, might be.

On, to the RA to see Jasper Johns, via the xmas lights on Lower Regent street -

 We took the free audioguide, and it was good to get the extra information, but only for the first few items, then I gave up on it. I found that having a "voice in your ear" diminished the enjoyment of the exhibition - the headphones put everyone in their own little bubble, and this was not very different from watching a video. I like the social aspect of seeing an exhibition - or rather, the shared expereince of it, shared with all those strangers. And the unchangingness of written labels, rather than the asynchronous temporality of listening.

Saturday, a walk in the park on the way to Hooked in London, where various projects are ongoing -



We are scheduled to run a workshop at the Museum of London in a couple of weeks, and will be taking our work along as inspiration, as well as samples of small items that participants can make. We'll be showing people how to "transform old fabrics into beautiful designs".  The date is Saturday 2 December, and more details can be found at

Having not enjoyed the "screens" at the ICA exhibition, it's ironic to receive, somewhat but not entirely unexpectedly, a new screen of my own, which will undoubtedly make my computer time easier on my eyes. It's bigger than the current screen - and it's not shiny - but oh my, its blackness does rather dominate the room. "Dan Hays" is't entirely at ease with its new neighbour, a situation that might be alleviated by keeping the desk clear
The Cardboard Clock has had to be moved to the other side of the room. Not ideal.

Dan Hays is much happier with this set-up -


  1. Keeping the desk clear is always an on-going battle of wits - tidiness and order against impetuosity and eagerness to be on to the next thing. I know which camp I'm in - sadly!

  2. Those floors are fabulous! Is it tile or terrazzo? Can you even imagine how much it would cost to do these days?
