
27 February 2018

Drawing Tuesday - St Martin in the Fields

Having set the meeting place, I went first to the National Gallery and got no further than the mosaics in the entrance - perhaps it was the lure of the empty bench, and the conveniently placed "Christmas Pudding" (not the sort of thing you expect to find on an art gallery floor) -
My view was upside down, so I turned the sketchbook around to draw, and it all worked out somehow -
The colours were what I happened to have with me; the perspectival distortion is "curious" ... and it took close inspection to realise that the missing letters were there - olive green on grey - tonally too similar to spot from a distance. 

A couple more of the mosaics - most commissioned from Boris Anrep in 1928, and more in 1952 -

 Across the road to St Martins crypt - lovely arches -
 As we waited for everyone to get their lunch, Janet K quickly drew this view, having spent the morning on a more conventional "straight on" view -
Najlaa treated herself to a session of brass rubbing -
Carol was upstairs in the church, looking at the architecture, including the window by Shirazeh Houshiary -
 Jo observed a quiet(?) drama taking place nearby -
 Sue persevered with the bricks, and was rewarded by someone coming to sit just in time for her to put him in the empty corner -
 Joyce got some cafe customers in perspective -

Extracurricular activities
Najlaa brought along some experiments with bleach  and different types of paint -

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