
04 February 2018

Works on Paper Fair - some favourites

Of course the best things have always been sold, isn't that how we think when we try to restrain ourselves from desperately wanting to buy something? At this annual fair of prints and drawings, works are taken off the wall and wrapped up and the new owner takes them home. This one, the boats, was still on the wall and I got a quick photo -
A bit of online research discovers that it's part of Robert Taverner's "Sussex boats and nets" series - see other boats and nets, as well as his other Sussex subjects, here.
Lady in the Snow - indigo print, c.1830 by Utigawa Kunisada
A drawing from the 1970s by Mary Fedden, "graphite and mixed media", the mixed media being the pale pink of one flower, and perhaps the frottage qualifies as mixed media too -

Detail of marks
It was priced at £4,500...

Back to Japanese prints - this "diptych" format (by Watanabe Seitei) appeals to me, and were it not for the tiny pleat in the paper on the left I would have smashed open my piggy bank to buy it -
 Another such -
 Part of Peter Blake's Venice Suite, which incorporates collage -
 A vivid work by Alan Davie -
 Finally, this long narrow format, glued onto card ... odd, but so appealing; priced at £950 ...
(Apologies for the reflections and the dull coloration.) The artist is Kitano Tsunetomi, who made his name in the early 20th century as a "painter of beautiful women" - see them here.

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