
10 April 2018

Drawing Tuesday - South Bank

Wandering through the Royal Festival Hall at an early, empty time of the morning, I found this -
but as I grappled with curves, proportion, and negative space, people got in the way ....
The sculpture (artist yet to be discovered, anyone know?) is on a terrace at the top of the building -
Janet B rose to the challenge of a stack of chairs -
 Judith found the negative spaces of the chairs "interesting" (=tricky) -
 Sue struck a colourful note with seating indoors and through the window -
 Janet K found a scene with foreground and distant background -
 Joyce used her packet of grey markers, and spots of colour -
 Carol focussed on people -
 ... and for the "extracurricular activities" department, she brought along her altered book, a tryout of diverse ways of changing the printed page (what fun). Here are some samples -

1 comment:

  1. The sculpture looks like a David Smith, but I can't immediately find anything to confirm that.
