
08 April 2018

'tis planting season....

... and that means a trip to the garden centre. The one we usually go to for "big expeditions" has acres of greenhouses - 

Pelargoniums in 11.5cm pots
 A small selection on the trolley; main item, a sizeable skimmia -

...  and here it is being loaded into the van
In the back garden, ready to fill the sadly neglected windowboxes -

... and after
The items left on the bench will go into my own little garden.

The windowboxes were immediately refreshed, even though the rain kept falling -
and are now in place. What a pleasure to free the plants from their confining pots and group them with others; it's even better to tuck them into a chosen spot in the garden.

Fingers crossed there are no frosts in the offing - and that the plants etc are out of the way of the workmen who'll be tearing up the paving slabs and laying the footings for the house extension in the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. I almost stopped at a home center to look at plants yesterday, but it was so cold I didn't. Winter has remained and we had snow flurries 4 out of seven days last week. We are a good 25 degrees cooler than normal. The forecast shows the temp rising starting Wednesday so the home centers will be crazy this coming weekend as everyone has cabin fever. You bought a lovely selection of plants.
